Small Bites Will Finish the Meal

1 min readApr 15, 2017

I’m becoming more aware that I try to complete most tasks in quick bursts, instead of taking my time. For example, when writing an email I won’t stop until it’s finished. When working on a side project, I’ll get as much as done as I can in each sitting. This even applies to mundane tasks. I tend to go at a quicker pace so that I can get it done. This isn’t inherently a bad quality, but I aim to be more aware of when I can slow things down. Slowing down will allow me the time I need to increase the quality of whatever I’m doing.

As an experiment, I’ve been plugging away at a side project for the past month and a half. I could have completed it in one day, but I decided to take my time to produce something of higher quality. Despite my inherent desire to finish quickly, I’m much happier with the result after slowing down.

I’m learning to enjoy not only hitting the finish line, but also the run itself. Just because we can quickly finish something, doesn’t mean we always should.




Ramblings of an introspective software engineer & serial hobbyist.