Hard Work Will Pay Off

1 min readFeb 24, 2017

It’s safe to say that for the past six years, since graduating high school, I’ve worked my butt off. My life has been consumed with work and college. The end goal of graduation, a constant reminder to keep pushing forward. Only now am I finally seeing my hard work pay off.

I’ve managed to get to the final stage of the interview process with Google, and getting to work there is looking like more and more of a reality. It’s hard not to be excited, but it’s important for me to remember that I can still be rejected. So, I have to keep studying and continue to prepare myself for the final interview. Even if I am rejected, I have another great opportunity lined up. No matter the result, the hard work doesn’t stop there.

I have to continue to push myself and grow in order to create more opportunities like this one.





Ramblings of an introspective software engineer & serial hobbyist. doughnuts.dev