Baby Steps

1 min readFeb 3, 2017

“Clean Room”

I stared at this task on my to-do list for two weeks before doing anything about it. It needed to be done, but I couldn’t bring myself to take the first step. I’d look at it and groan, thinking up an excuse to justify my lack of motivation. After realizing that I was getting nowhere, I decided to change the task itself. It needed to be broken down further if I were to get anything done. “Clean Room” became a daily task titled “Throw away one item.” Several days and discarded items later, I finally took the plunge and cleaned the majority of my room. This example is fairly mundane, but the lesson is valuable.

If you struggle to get the ball rolling, simplify the task until it is absurd not to do it.

“Work out” becomes “Put work out clothes on.”

“Read a book” becomes “Pick up and open the book”

“Clean room” becomes “Throw away one item.”

After repeatedly completing the simple task, it’s easier to move forward in your larger goal.

Baby steps.




Ramblings of an introspective software engineer & serial hobbyist.